Holy Week

We are so excited to celebrate Easter with you this year! We have a whole line-up of opportunities during Holy Week, on April 17th, 18th, 19th, and 20th.

The mission? To connect you with each other, and to the incredible story of Christ's life, death, and his transformation of our lives. Keep scrolling for more information on each event!


2 Corinthians 5:21 - "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."


Join us for Holy Thursday Service at 6:00 PM on April 17th at Church at the Gates!

We want to share a potluck feast with you! We will be providing the main meat dish, communion, and dessert. This is the time to meet together, break bread, and celebrate! Please feel free to bring your whole family, and invite some friends.

If you are willing and able to bring a side to share to this event, or help us make this amazing dinner happen, head to the link below to sign up!


In the upper room, Jesus and His disciples met and ate together. Worship, prayer, laughter, fellowship, and the first communion taken as a family.


Good Friday Service at CATG at 6:00 PM on April 18th! Join us for an interactive and contemplative time in worship, prayer, and reflection.


Friday. The disciples look on or flee in horror. Everything has changed. What does it mean that Jesus had to die? How do we come before the Lord at our most broken? See the darkness that made the light both necessary, and more beautiful.


We're doing something new this Holy Week - an entire 24 hours where our church building is filled and surrounded by brothers and sisters in prayer. From 8:00pm, after Good Friday service, to 8:00pm on Saturday, April 19th.

Sign up for a slot at Church at the Gates, or join us for a slot praying from home. We'll provide meaningful prompts that move from the inside out - prayer for yourself, our church, our city, and beyond.

Join us! We want to fill every spot - you can come alone, bring a friend, or bring your family. The building will be kept secure while you move through this quiet hour, and light refreshments will be provided.


Saturday. Christ lays in a tomb. Disciples weep in hiding; scattered, lost, prayerful, and unsure. The incredible movement that began with their Lord seems to have fallen apart. Where do we go when all hope is lost?


Easter Sunday Services are at 9:00am & 10:45am!
We're so excited to celebrate with you! We'll have a photo backdrop for family pictures, coffee, tea, and joyful service! Kids Ministry is available for ages 0-5th Grade.


He is risen! Our salvation is secure, and the payment has been made! Christ took our place, took our penalty, and exchanged our stains for the purest righteousness we could never attain. We are only getting closer to the heart of God!