4:12 Leader Resources
Resource guides:
Life Teams – Life Teams has printable references and videos on topics from depression to LGBTQ+.
Culture Translator – This is a great tool that emails you once a week with what is going on in youth culture, questions to ask, and how to turn them into biblical conversations.
Teaching Students to Read the Bible
Championing Compassion + Justice
General Podcasts:
Understanding the teenage brain and how to guide them: Rethinking Youth Ministry EP 018
Imaging God: Equipping Podcast
Creating a safe place for students to wrestle with faith and teaching them to lead in small groups: Youth Workers Podcast 048.
What questions should you ask students: Youth Workers Podcast 046.
What do great youth workers do to pass along the faith to the next generation: Youth Workers Podcast 043.
Right Now Media: (if you need a login let me know!)
4 Core Responsibilities of a Youth Leader.-Youth Worker Community: four pillars of 4:12, Engage, Play, Guide, and Pray.
10 Essentials for Youth Workers – Youth Worker Community: How to lead a small group to helping teens in crisis.
Specific podcasts:
How to Pray with Students: Youth Workers Podcast 003.
How to help students who are hurting: Youth Workers Podcast 005.
What if our students hate small Groups?: Youth Workers Podcast 006.
Helping students struggling with Porn: Youth Workers Podcast 007.
Reading the Bible: Youth Workers Podcast 009.
When you don’t see growth in students: Youth Workers Podcast 010.
Self Harm: Youth Workers Podcast 011.
Bullying: Youth Workers Podcast – 2 parts 028 & 029.
Students Acting out at group: Youth Workers Podcast – 2 parts 052 & 053.
How do you love the difficult students: Youth Workers Podcast 042.
How do you support students after graduation: Youth Workers Podcast 041.
Resources to do with students or give to parents:
Mental Health – Video series on Anxiety, depression, and suicide.
Social Media – Video series on the effects of social media.
Parent Guides – Cell phones, Porn, and bullying to name a few. If a parent ever looking for info these are great.
We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too.
-1 Thessalonians 2:8