This Week at 4:12

Luke Overland   -  

4:12 Student Ministry


Tonight at 4:12 we dive into our third week of the sermon on the mount, Dick will teach on the prayer that Jesus taught the disciples. What is so cool about this, is the disciples could have ask Jesus to teach them to heal, to cast out demons or preach but they chose prayer. Something about Jesus’ relationship with the father drew them in. Another cool thing about this passage is it reinforces God as our loving Father and that we are here on a mission to build Gods kingdom not our own. 

Continue the conversation:

  1. Why is prayer often hard?
  2. Why should we pray? Why pray this prayer each day?
  3. What worries do you have when it comes to prayer?
  4. What would it look like for you to pray for 2 minutes each day? Or if you do what if 10 minutes?
  5. Why is it important to keep doing good things even if they are hard? (exercise, eating good food, limiting social media)
  6. Have you had any times of prayer that have been hard? memorable? cool?

Resources to check out:

Want to do a deep dive with your teen about Prayer?

 Upcoming Events:

This Fall:

September: Community

October: Sermon on the Mount

November: Mental Health